Risk Habitat

Strategies for Sustainable Development in Megacities and Urban Agglomerations

A Helmholtz Research Initiative 2007 - 2011

PhD theses in Chile and Germany

Sustainable Development

Jacques Clerc
Institution: Universidad de Chile
Title: "Applied General Equilibrium and Sustainability Indicators for Santiago"

Sustainable Development

Marko Quiroga
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Title: "Comparative sustainability in regional megacities (the cases of Bogota, Mexico City and Santiago): towards the construction of a system of third generation indicators"

Sustainable Development

Alejandra Salas
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Title: "Targets and Indicators for Sustainable Development in the Santiago Metropolitan Region: a critical institutional perspective"


Gabriela Azócar de la Cruz
Institution: Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Title: "Coordination as a mechanism of risk observation"


Gustavo A. Durán Saavedra
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Title: "Power morphology in the capitalist city. Urban poverty, governance and water market in Santiago de Chile"


Carolin Höhnke
Institut.: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Title: "Public transport governance in the light of decentralization – the cases of Santiago de Chile and Bogotá" (finished)


Michael Lukas
Institut.: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Title: "Political Participation in the context of periurban megaprojects in Santiago de Chile" (finished)

Land - use management

Annemarie Ebert
Institut.: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Title: "The influence of land use and land cover changes on the flood risk in Santiago de Chile" (finished)

Land - use management

Marco Pilz
Institution: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Title: "Site effect characterization by means of seismic noise and earthquake analysis in large urban areas of Santiago de Chile" (finished)

Land - use management

Vanessa Ruguiero
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Title: "Urban growth and its effects in the increase or decrease of natural risks in the Andean piedmont of the metropolitan region of Santiago de Chile"

Land - use management

Adriana Perez
Institution: Universidad de Chile
Title: "Seismic Hazard in the Central Chilean Region"

Socio-Spatial Differentiation

Alejandra Rasse
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Title: "Spatial proximity and social integration. The dimensions of social integration and its application to the urban space" (finished)

Socio-Spatial Differentiation

Juliane Welz
Institut.: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Title: "Ambivalent segregation patterns considering spatial and temporal dimensions of social integration – the case of Santiago de Chile" (finished)

Energy system

Gonzalo Paredes Martinez
Institution: Universidad de Chile
Title: "Modelling energy systems in Megacities with a focus on sustainable development"


Andreas Justen
Institution: German Aerospace Center
Title: "Model based Evaluation of transport policies in Megacities – the case Santiago de Chile" (finished)


Héctor Andrés López Ospina
Institution: Universidad de Chile
Title: "A model of the urban dynamic system: predicting the emerging urban sustainability from agents behavior and system constraints using a multi-scales approach"


José Muñoz
Institution: Universidad de Chile
Title: "Multiscale traffic model"

Water resources and services

Cristián Hernán Godoy Barbieri
Institution: Universidad de Chile
Title: "Simulation model for riverine systems: local morphologic changes and water management (Tentative)"

Water resources and services

Gerhard Schleenstein
Institution: Ingeniería Alemana S.A.
Title: "Alternatives for a sustainable management of stormwater in megacities of emerging countries – the case of Santiago de Chile"

Waste management

Tahnee González Martínez
Institution: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Title: "Analysis of different municipal waste management concepts for the Megacity Santiago de Chile and their impacts on the informal sector" (finished)